Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sentence Types

1. Alan bought a love potion for a dollar from an old man.
*From an old man, Alan bought a love potion for a dollar. (introductory prepositional phrase)
2. He’s referring to the poison and how sometimes it’s a good thing to kill people.
*Referring to the poison, he describes how sometimes it’s a good thing to kill people.
3. He thinks it is kind of like cleaning.
*By killing people, the old man justifies his sins. (gerund-object of preposition)
4. Overall there is a lot of visualization in this novel
*tactfully and creatively, there is a lot of visualization in her novel.
5. He makes the reader think about what he’s saying which also makes it clever and keeps what he says simple.
*the readers thinking is effective by the writers ability to make clever ideas and keep the novel simple at the same time.
6. McCarthy’s making this clever too because he’s showing the readers he’s thinking clever
*McCarthy writes his story using clever ideas and influencing on the readers.
7. He keeps it simple by stating something that is obvious.
* Had McCarthy been more vague, it would have been more difficult to understand what McCarthy is talking about.

Friday, August 1, 2008

A Dozen Ironic Things

1. Blind guy, normal guy asks if blind guy can see his shirt
2. Deaf guy, normal guy screaming
3. 2 month old baby, talking
4. A+ student getting an F
5. Firefighter wanting to start a fire
6. A cop getting convicted
7. A docter not knowing what strep throat is
8. A dentist having cavaties
9. Water tasting like coke
10. A book with no pages
11. A computer with no keyboard
12. A principal hating kids